These fliers for buyers, sellers, and renters explain various aspects of real estate transactions while promoting the value of Texas REALTORS®. You can use the content however you would like.

Featured Content for February
Training That Can Help You and Your Agents
You may be thinking, “I’m a busy broker. I don’t have time to take optional training.” But here are certifications and designations that will teach you how to better run your brokerage, better communicate with your agents, increase performance, and stay out of trouble.
Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager: CRB is the only course specifically designed for brokers. Coursework covers business management, HR, performance leadership, and profitability—areas that can lead to huge improvements for your business.
Texas Risk Reduction Specialist: The risks rise considerably when you jump from agent to broker. Don’t be tempted to take the popular “Introduction to Risk Reduction” course and not finish the other requirements for the Texas Risk Reduction Specialist designation. TRRS can help your firm steer clear of lawsuits. Be sure to supplement the designation with any courses that are more specific to your niche in real estate.
Graduate, REALTOR® Institute: GRI is an excellent designation for brokers, especially new ones, Brown says. The GRI: Real Estate Brokerage course is especially geared toward helping brokers understand the seriousness of their role and bridges the gap between brokers and their agents so they can each better understand how to have a positive, professional synergistic relationship that benefits all.
Go to the course search and choose the certification or designation in the Group menu to find upcoming classes.
Compensation & Lawsuits
Share With Clients: A Guide to Compensation
Download and share “A Guide Guide to Broker Commissions in Real Estate Transactions” with your agents and clients.
Answers to Your Compensation Questions
Recent lawsuits regarding real estate broker compensation have generated many questions among REALTORS®. Download these answers to frequently asked compensation questions.
Sales Meeting Content
Consumer Content to Share
Safety Resources
Access articles, blog post, and other tools from Texas REALTORS® and NAR about agent safety.
NAR Resources
Visit to access National Association of REALTORS® broker events and content that explains your value to consumers and clients.